Dr. Cheryl Burke - Mental Health and Relationship Counselor
List of Dr. Burke's Recent Publications:
* (Burke, C., 2007)The Effects of a prenatal attachment program on maternal emotional attachment, Proquest.
*How to create a relationship that lasts. Industry Magazine, Feb/March 2002
*Dating in the new millennium. Industry Magazine, April/May 2002
*Why am I always attracted to Mr. or Ms. wrong: A recipe for Mr. or Ms. right. Industry Magazine, June/July 2004
*Should I stay or should I go: The fear factor. Industry Magazine, Aug/Sept 2004
*Relationship killers. Industry Magazine, Oct/Nov 2004
*Living and loving with emotional stress. Industry Magazine, Feb/March 2005*So… What’s chemistry got to do with it? Industry Magazine, April/May 2005
Local Publications
*Holistic healthcare. Orlando Spotlite Magazine, 2003 (1)
*The art of communicating. NOW Magazine, Winter Issue 2005
*Can love be passionate in seasoned relationships? NOW Magazine, Spring Issue 2006
*How do you best heat things up for a summer romance? NOW Magazine, Summer Issue 20063